Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What's going on with the Billfrog

Wow, three months since I've posted. The spring break road trip was such a success that I kept delaying in order to write a good enough post that captured it, and suddenly too much time had passed.

Anyway, wiping the slate clean...

1) School is ending soon:
I'm 2 weeks away from being done with the primary xray portion of the program, and while I'll just start up again with MRI in September, it feels very much like the very end of senior year: simultaniously extremely comfortable and anxious to leave. I won't miss the "student status" feeling, but it is a pleasurable feeling to so intimately know the ins and outs of a situation: when the pretzels are brought in fresh to the gift store, which techs you can slack under and how to find yourself working with them, etc. That pleasure, though, is almost constantly outweighed by a palpable "get me the hell out of the nest" feeling of anticipation.

2) Work is a blessing:
When I started down this path, there were innumerable job openings. When last year's class graduated, almost all of them had found work already. With my class, only a brachydactyl handful of us have jobs. I'm now working 3-4 evenings a week so while the end of school senioritis means that there's less stress and pressure, there's also less time and energy.

3) Upcoming break:
I'll be heading back to the west coast for a couple of weeks, though only a small part of that will be in San Francisco. I'm going down to Anaheim to see Fifth Form at the IndyFilm fest. I'll be taking my brother to see it, think of it as Weekend at Bernies crossed with Dead Ringers. Then I'm off to Burning Man, where I'm sure everything will go smoothly, but even if it doesn't I won't be thinking about xrays one bit while I'm there.


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